Term Conditions Page

Terms and Conditions


I.             General Rules

The terms and conditions stipulate other requirements, such as rights and obligations among those who transact goods or services, rights between members and companies, duties, responsibilities, and procedures for using e-commerce-related services provided by Aliseon app (ios, android, OTT, Web) operated by Aliseon Mena Management Information and Marketing LLC (company) provides e-commerce services (‘Aliseon’).


1.    Definition of Terms

1.1.  ALISEON : Real-time e-commerce system and content provision service provided by the company for users to use the content created by members, freely trade the product itself, or purchase and sell products.

1.2. User: Members and non-members who use the e-commerce system and content provision service provided by the company..

1.3. Member: An individual or business operator who has registered as a member according to the registration procedure prescribed by the company. Members are divided into general members, seller members, and creator members. In each membership, a person who meets the requirements at the company’s judgment can sign up as a general member, a seller member, and a creator member at the same time.

1.3.a. General Members (Buyer): Members who use services related to product purchase in Aliseon.

1.3.b. Seller Members (Seller): Members who use services according to the terms and conditions of seller related to product purchase and other services.

1.3.c. Creator Members (Creator): Members who use services according to the terms and conditions of creator, open channels to inform the product information, and upload content on the channels by creating their own content.

1.4. Non-members: Users who do not sign up for ALISEON and use services provided by the company.

1.5. Operator: A person selected by the company for the overall management and smooth operation of services provided by the company.

1.6. Buyer: A person who purchases products registered in ALISEON. All general members, seller members, and creator members are qualified as a buyer.

1.7. Seller: A member who registers products to sell them in Aliseon according to the product page form provided by Aliseon. A seller member is qualified as a seller.

1.8. Creator: A person who opens a channel to provide the product content. A creator shall affiliate with a seller and receive commission in accordance with sales performance. The affiliation fee above is designated in return for the service cost of the product content.

1.9. Channel: A path that Creator broadcasts the content information in Aliseon. Content information on affiliated products and creators own production information can be broadcasted

1.10.                Works: Refers to all contents posted on the ‘channel’ provided by the ‘company’. All members, including ‘Creators (Mega creators)’, ‘Company,’ and ‘Seller,’ have their own channels, and as long as they do not violate UAE laws and company policies, they can freely produce and upload works on their channels.

1.11.                Affiliate: The act of ‘seller members’ and ‘creator members’ cooperating in promoting and selling products on the ‘channel’ of the ALISEON service platform. Contents under ‘affiliation’ will be exclusively disclosed by the ALISEON service platform, and when the content is disclosed out of Aliseon only IPs that have been confirmed to be accessed through link addesses issued by the ALISEON service platform.


Access through copying URL addresses, not link addresses issued by the ALISEON service platform, does not correspond to ‘affiliation’.

1.13. Payment Protection Service: It refers to a payment preparation service in which a company deposits payment for a certain period to protect payment paid by a buyer.


2.    State, Effect, and Change of the terms and conditions.

2.1. The company posts this Terms and Conditions in Aliseon Website and mobile application to acquaint users.

2.2. The company may change the terms and conditions within the boundary of the relevant UAE laws, and the reason for the change and the date of application must be specified before the above date by posting or member’s email.

2.3. Agreeing to these terms and conditions is considered as agreed upon by the user when there’s a change in this terms and conditions of ALISEON. The company and ALISEON shall be not responsible for damages caused by the user’s failure to know the change of the terms and conditions .


3.    Matter out of this terms and conditions

Any provisions not specified in this Terms and Conditions shall be observed with the relevant laws of UAE e-commerce and commercial conventions.


4.    Establishment of a contract for use

4.1. When a person who intends to use the ALISEON service agrees to this terms and conditions by ALISEON’s registration form, a service contract for Aliseon shall be concluded.

4.2. The approval for sign-up will be notified by member’s email.

4.3. For sign-up, users must be 18 years of age or older by the date of the registration , and Sellers must be able operate their business activities properly at the time of application.

4.4. General buyers and Sellers are limited to 1 ID that has completed verification. However, a seller who meets the requirements of sale performance determined by the company may register multiple IDs.

4.5. General members conduct identification procedures through mobile sign-up registration. Seller shall conduct the identification procedures through company name, business registration number, designation of person in charge, contact information of customer response, address and etc.

5.    Personal Information Change and Protection

5.1. When the sign-up information is changed a user shall edit it by correcting the member information. However, The registered ID cannot be changed.

5.2. The company is not liable for damages caused by the member information which is not edited by the member’s negligence.

5.3. Member information is not provided to third parties without the consent of members. However, information about payment, delivery, member-customized advertisements, and member benefit provision events can be provided to third parties designated by Aliseon to increase the experience of Aliseon service.

5.4. The company shall endeavor to protect the user’s information by designating a personal information protection manager.


6.    Termination of the contract.

6.1. Members may terminate the contract at any time at their own will. In order to terminate the contract, the user’s transaction in progress must be completed, withdrawn, or canceled before notifying the termination by the member’s own will. The disadvantages resulting from this must be dealt by the member himself. Re-registration can be restricted for some time period after termination.

6.2. In case the termination is executed by the company, the company informs the reason for the termination by e-mail, text, phone, or other means. For the transactional safety and security, the entire member IDs identified as owned by the same person can be terminated collectively.

6.3. Even if the company terminates the use contract, the terms and conditions agreed by the time of registration are valid.


7.    Service period and suspension

7.1. The period of member’s service starts from the date of the registration approved to the termination or expiration of the contract.

7.2. When the company has to suspend the service temporarily due to reasons such as maintenance and inspection of information and communication facilities, replacement, failure, or network failure, the company posts the facts and the reasons on main page of the Website and the application.

7.3. If service cannot be provided due to force majeure such as natural disasters, wars, riots, economic sanctions, or etc. the provision of services may be restricted or temporarily suspended.


8.    Copyright

8.1. The company establishes and operates policies for copyright protection of copyright holders in relation to the services provided, and members must abide by the company’s copyright policies.

8.2.  The copyright of various posts posted by the member while using the services provided by the company lies with the member himself, thereby the member is liable for all civil and criminal responsibilities, including copyright infringement of the post are liable for.

8.3.  The company may expose posts registered by members to other websites and use them free of charge for promotion, and other materials. In addition, member’s posts can be reproduced, displayed, transmitted, and distributed within the services provided by the company, and can be created as secondary and editorial works. However, if a member (the owner of the post) requests deletion or suspension of use of the post, the company immediately stops deleting or using it, except for matters that must be preserved under the relevant laws.

8.4. The license of the company mentioned pursuant to previous provision is valid conclusively only while operating the ALISEON service.

8.5. When a company intends to use a member’s post commercially in any way other than provision 8.3., the member’s consent should be obtained in advance by telephone, fax, e-mail etc.

8.6. Copyright and intellectual property rights for works created by the company belong to the company.

8.7. The copyright and intellectual property rights of the work created by the user belong to the user, and the company has the right to use the work.

8.8. When a user reproduces, transmits, publishes, distributes, broadcasts, or uses the information in other methods when using Aliseon, or allows the third parties to use the obtained information without the company’s consent, the user himself is legally responsible for it.

8.8 In the following cases, the company may delete posts or take measures such as restricting, suspending, or terminating users’ services.

8.8.a.    In the case where it includes content in violation of UAE laws.

8.8.b.    In the case of infringing on the rights, honor, credit, or other legitimate interests of another person.

8.8.c.    In the case of including malicious code or data that may cause malfunction of the information and communication device.

8.8.d.    In the case of violation of public order or customs.

8.8.e.    In the case of where it is deemed to interfere with the smooth progress of the ALISEON service provided by the company due to other serious reasons.

8.8.f. When the company deletes a post under the provision, the post owner can have the remedy by making a claim.




II.            ALISEON (E-commerce mail order brokerage) service.


9.    Type of service.

                  The types of Aliseon services are as follows.

9.1. E-commerce service: Services and additional services that provide online transaction locations to trade products through ALISEON.

9.2. Sales-related business support services.

9.3. Purchasing-related support services.

9.4. Service for contract conclusion, payment support, and payment price protection.

9.5. Product information service.

9.6. Service for creative channel provision.

9.7. Other e-commerce-related service.


10. The act of representation and the denial of the guarantor.

10.1.                 The company only operates, manages, and provides a content channel system for free transaction and sharing information between buyers, sellers, and creators, so it does not represent buyers, sellers or creators. When the responsibility is established by a transaction between each member or related to the information provided by the content channel the corresponding member is liable for the responsibility.

10.2.                 The company does not guarantee the authenticity or authenticity of the intention to sell or purchase, the quality, integrity, stability, legality and non-infringement of the rights of others, information entered by the buyer or seller, and any information on the URL. However, if the registered product-related information and content channel information are clear to violate laws or copyright infringement, or if a person claiming to have been infringed requests the suspension and prevention of the infringement, the company may delete, modify, or do not expose the product.

10.3.                 The company develops and provides safe and reliable tools for the transaction between Buyer, Seller and Creator, and the use of the content channel.


11. Buyer’s service.

11.1. Buyer shall not bid or indicate purchase of the seller’s product without intention to purchase, and if it is found to interfere with the seller’s opportunity to sell the product or other buyer’s purchase opportunity, the company suspends the membership with the ID.

11.2. Before purchasing a product, the buyer must accurately check the details of the product prepared by the seller on the website and the terms of the transaction. All losses and damages incurred by purchasing without confirming the contents of the product and the terms of the transaction belong to the buyer himself.

11.3. The buyer shall comply with this terms and conditions and the contents notified by the company on the service screen, and shall be liable for all losses and damages incurred by violating or failing to comply with the terms and conditions.

11.4. The company does not guarantee or represent the contents and terms of transaction of the goods registered by the seller. Therefore, the buyer must take responsibility for purchasing the product.

11.5. The buyer shall not arbitrarily use or leave the received product damaged when the withdrawal of the purchased product occurs. If the product is damaged due to the voluntary use or insufficient storage of the product, the buyer shall be liable for the appropriate expenses.

11.6. In the event of a dispute with the seller in the process of selling goods, the buyer shall faithfully work to resolve the dispute, and shall be fully responsible for losses and damages to the seller and the company due to reasons attributable to the buyer, such as insincerity in the dispute settlement process.

11.7. When a buyer purchases a product, he/she must use a payment method in his/her name, and shall not use another person’s payment method without permission. The buyer is responsible for all losses and damages to the company, the owner of the payment method, and the seller arising from the unauthorized use of another person’s payment method.

11.8. If the sale price is not paid within 48 hours of the order, it will be considered as the cancellation of the order, and the order will be automatically canceled.

11.9. In order to enhance the convenience of buyers’ service use, the company may receive the information from affiliates or provide reference information or content in a way provided by a third party, and the buyer must make a decision and responsibility when purchasing it.

11.10. If the legal representative disagrees with the contract concluded by a minor, the minor himself or legal representative may cancel the contract. Details of the transaction of minors shall be governed by the relevant UAE laws.



12. Using the seller’s service

Upon joining the platform, the seller confirms the terms and conditions which is agreed by himself.


13. Using the creator’s service

13.1 If a creator slanders other channels, interferes with product sales, or induces discomfort in a member’s viewing behavior, the company may suspend the member’s ID and the channel service.

13.2. In order to post content about affiliated products on a channel, the post content must be based on his or her own experience after using it, and the creator himself or herself suffers losses and damages from the posted content information.

13.3. In connection with the purchase of affiliated products, creators are prohibited to induce viewers to paying the product price directly to the creator himself or a third party other than the payment method registered in the seller’s account of the affiliated product. If this is violated, I agree to be punished by relevant UAE laws.

13.4. Even when the seller directly opens a channel and uses the creator service, all 3 provisions must be observed.

13.5. In the event of a dispute between the buyer and the seller due to inaccuracy of the channel’s content information and causes attributable to the creator, the creator shall compensate the seller and the company for appropriate expenses in the event of losses and damages.

13.6. In addition to the sales performance fee for affiliated products designated by the creator, the creator cannot request the additional to the affiliated companies. If this is violated, the company suspends the creator’s member ID and the channel.

13.7. The broadcast video posted on the creator channel can also be posted on other personal broadcast channels such as YouTube, which must be the seller’s account. However, in this case, the ALISEON ID must be displayed on the screen during the video playback time, and the ALISEON sales link address must be displayed on a separate subtitle screen. The further details are considered to be agreed when the creator agrees to the terms and conditions.

13.8. The company may provide filming facilities, filming and editing equipment, and editing personnel for the creation of channel content of creator, and certain fee can be charged in this case.


14. Payment protection service

14.1. The company provides payment protection services to increase the reliability of e-commerce services and to prepare safe transactions and payments between members. payment protection service refers to a service in which the company settles the price to seller after deducting a predetermined service fee and creator sales fee when the purchase contract is concluded and the buyer paid for the product. The company replaces the refund service to the buyer when the product is not received or the refund is in progress after the product return.

14.2. The payment protection service applies to all products purchased from ALISEON.

14.3. Payment protection service is provided to increase the safety and reliability of all payment processes related to product sales and affiliation between members, and to protect buyers who have to pay before receiving the product.

14.4. The payment protection service provided by the company does not represent sellers, buyers, or creators, nor does it act on behalf of sellers, buyers, or creators in relation to the sale of goods.

14.5. The wire transfer fee incurred in the process of paying the purchase price of goods through the company’s payment agency service shall be borne by the buyer who transfers the payment.

14.6. The buyer must confirm the order completion, exchange, or express his/her for the product return to the company within 14 days of receipt of receiving the product, thereby the buyer can be provided with the payment protection services.

14.7. If the buyer does not express his intention to exchange or return within 14 days of receipt of the purchased product, the company shall terminate the payment price protection service considering the order is completed.

14.8. The company may transfer the relevant payment to the seller of the product in accordance with the relevant provisions of the ‘UAE Consumer Protection Act on Electronic Commerce’ if the buyer is willing to confirm the purchase or considered to confirm the purchase.


14.9. If reasons such as withdrawal of the sales contract, cancellation, invalidation, etc. occur after the payment protection service is terminated, the buyer must directly proceed with the procedure for withdrawal, cancellation, and refund of the payment contract with the seller.


15.  Delivery and transaction completed

15.1. The delivery period refers to the period from the next day of the date on which the buyer’s payment is confirmed to the shipment completion. If reasons for irresistible forces, such as public holidays, other holidays, bad weather, or natural disasters, the period is excluded from the delivery period.

15.2. In the event of a dispute between the seller and the buyer, delivery company, financial institution, etc. regarding delivery, the relevant party shall resolve it. The company is not involved in this and does not bear any responsibility.

15.3. In case the buyer cancels the order or makes a request for refunds due to a defect in the product, an error in the seller's inventory information, the selling price information or the product information, the company is not involved in this and does not bear any responsibility.. All disputes between the seller and the buyer after the purchase completion must be resolved by the seller and the buyer who are the parties of the transaction. When the creator is responsible for the provision 13 of this terms and conditions the parties must include the creator.

15.4. When the buyer does not express his/her intention to exchange or return within 14 days of receipt of the product, the company automatically complete the order.

15.5. After the order is completed, the company prepares to pay the sales payment of the goods to the seller and the sales commission to the creator by releasing the payment amount stored for the buyer.


16.  Return/Exchange/Refund/Cancel

16.1. In accordance with the UAE’s e-commerce regulations and laws, the purchaser may request a return or exchange within 14 days from the date the product is delivered. These regulations and laws take precedence over the conditions suggested by the seller. However, in the following cases, the buyer cannot request a return or exchange.

     16.1.a. In the case the item has been damaged/made defective by  the buyer.

     16.1.b. When the item's value has decreased due to the buyer’s usage.

     16.1.c. when the item's value has decreased remarkably due to its time-sensitive nature and it cannot be re-sold.

     16.1.d. In the case of damaging the packaging of reproducible products.

16.1.e. In the case of ordered products, serious damage is expected to the seller due to the buyer’s return/cancellation/refund, etc., and the relevant transaction is notified separately in advance and the buyer’s consent is obtained.

16.2. When the company receives an application for exchange or return from the buyer, the company immediately notifies the seller of this fact.

16.3. Round-trip shipping costs and other necessary expenses required for return or exchange shall be borne by the party with attributable reasons.

16.4. The exchange cannot be executed if an item is out of stock even the exchange request is applied, and it shall be refunded instead.

16.5. The cost of the exchange shall be borne by the seller in the case of defects in goods. And in the case of a change of mind the buyer is liable for the cost.

16.6. When a delivery problem occurs by the delivery company designated by the buyer and the buyer suffers a loss, the responsibility lies with the seller who designated as a separate delivery company.


Even of an exchange application is filed, it cannot be exchanged if there is no inventory of goods to be exchanged with the seller, and at this time, it is treated as a return.


16.7. After the company notifies the buyer of the payment of the purchase price, the company may cancel the transaction if the seller does not confirm the buyer’s order information of does not implement the delivery process for a considerable period of time. In addition, the company can take measures such as automatic refund processing without the buyer’s request through individual policies, and in that case, the relevant detail are notified to the buyer in advance.

16.8. If the seller does not actively engage in or delays the buyer’s process of confirming the exchange or return, the company may cancel the transaction and refund the payment amount stored to prepare for payment to the buyer.

16.9. In the case of Article 16 paragraph (7) and paragraph (8) of this Terms and Conditions, seller members may be subject to penalties and sanctions by the company pursuant to Artible 16 of the Terms and Conditions of Use.

16.10. If the buyer’s request for exchange or return is deemed unjustifiable, the company may cancel the buyer’s expression of intention and pay the seller the payment price kept in preparation for payment. In addition, if the goods already received are not returned to the seller 14 days after the date of receipt of the buyer’s exchange, return, etc., or if they are not contacted by phone or e-mail, etc., they may be deemed to have withdrawn their intention to exchange or return.

16.11. If the confirmed transaction is canceled and the payment price is refunded, the company shall take necessary measures to refund the buyer within 2 business days from the date the transaction is canceled. When paying with a credit card, the payment approval will be canceled immediately after requesting a refund.

16.12. Refunds of purchases made by credit card payment can only be made through cancellation of credit card payment, and in no case can be refunded in cash.

16.13. Members may cancel the purchase until the product is shipped, and if it is being delivered, it will be processed by a return procedure, not a cancellation.

16.14. When the payment is completed, the cancellation process is completed immediately upon receipt of the cancellation application.

16.15. In principle, cancellation processing is completed immediately while preparing for delivery, but if the product has already been set, the buyer must bear the round-trip shipping cost of the sent product.

16.16. In the case of a refund that is not attributable to the buyer, the payment amount kept by the company in preparation for payment may be paid to the buyer after confirming that the seller has received the goods.



17.  Common Prohibited Acts.

17.1 Direct transaction between members without using the payment protection service provided by the company is prohibited for the safety of the transaction, and the party is responsible for all problems arising from the direct transaction, and the company is not responsible for this.

17.2 A member who is confirmed to have made or induced direct transactions may be suspended from using the service or terminated the contract, and the user may report the member who has made or induced direct transactions to the company.

17.3 Any use of the service or access to the system in an abonormal way is prohibited without following the service usage method provided by the company.

17.4. When system fraud is confirmed, the company may take measures such as recovering some or all of the benefits additionally provided to the relevant member, restricting the use of specific services, and terminating the use contract.

17.5. The use of services provided by the company by using the name of another person, card information, account information, etc. without permission is prohibited.

17.6. It is prohibited to make abnormal payments in a prohibited manner under UAE statutes, such as lending funds under the guise of selling goods or providing services, and when the relevant information is confirmed, the company may cancel or suspend the member’s transaction and notify the relevant agency.

17.7. It is prohibited to make abnormal transactions using benefits such as purchase activities and discount rates provided by the company, such as repeated purchase and cancellation for the purpose of extending the validity of the actual product delivery or benefits provided by the company.

17.8. Purchasing using the ID of a third party is prohibited to purchase the seller’s own product, purchase the actual product, or obtain an unfair discount, and if the relevant information is confirmed, measures such as cancellation of transaction or restriction on service use may be taken.

17.9. If a member’s fraudulent transactions (cash flexibility, payment means theft, mass false transactions, false information posting, slander of competing products, fraudulent alliances, etc.) are suspented, the company may temporarily suspend the use of the service within 10 days of suspension. If the evidence requested by the company is not submitted within the specified time limit, or documents are insufficient or explanation is not made without special circumstances, the use of the service may be permanently suspended or the contract of use may be terminated.

17.10. The company may impose sanctions on purchasing members who interfere with the smooth sale of sellers and the creation of a fair market environment by repeating cancellation/return after purchase without actual intention to purchase.

17.11. In the case of violating paragraphs (1) through (10) of this Artible after agreeing to it, legal responsibility may be held in accordance with UAE laws and internal regulations of the company.

17.12. The company monitors members’ violations of laws, conditions, and other prohibited acts, and the members must cooperate with the company’s monitoring work and are obligated to submit the minimum necessary evidence requested by the company.



18.  The company’s exemption.

18.1. Transaction such as delivery, withdrawal of subscription, and return of goods arising from the sales of goods shall be carried out between members who are parties to the transaction, and the company is not involved in the transaction.

18.2. If the service needs to be temporarily suspended for the reasons referred to in Article 7 paragraph (2), the company notifies through the initinal screen of the service, which is inevitable or irresistable forces, so the company is not liable for damages to users or third parties.

18.3. If the service is restricted or suspended for reasons referred to in this Article 7 paragraph (3), the company shall not be liable for irresistable forces.

18.4. The company is not responsible for any obstacles in using the service due to reasons attributable to the user.

18.5. The company is not responsible for any damage caused by the user leaking or providing his or her personal information to others.

18.6. On the company’s service screen, the compnay does not intervene in a transaction between the user and the company (hereinafter referred to as a linked compnay) connected through links, banners, etc., and is not responsible for the transaction.

18.7. The company does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, validity, etc. of products or information provided by members or third parties displayed on the service screen.

18.8. The company is not responsible for modifying or stopping all or part of the service or function under Article 20 paragraph (1)



III.        ETC. regulations


19.  Governing law and jurisdiction

19.1. UAE laws apply to these terms and conditions, contracts for service use between the company and its members, use of services between members, trade goods, and settle disputes between the company and users.


20.  ETC.

20.1. The company may temporarily or permanently modify or suspend all or part of a specific service or function after notifying it in advance through the service screen.

20.2. Each party may not transfer or dispose of the rights and obligations under these terms and conditions to a third party without the written consent of the other party.

20.3. Additional contracts, agreements, notices, etc. prepared in accordance with the agreement between the parties, changes in the company’s policies, enactments, revisions, or notices or guidelines of public institutions form part of the contract.

20.4. The company shall actively collect and resolve legitimate opinions or complaints that may arise when purchasing members use the service, and establish and operate a customer center to mediate disputes between members.

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